Improving Post-Acute Care with Predictive Analytics

HatchWorks helped Zimmet Healthcare Services Group solidify a product strategy that drives competitive advantage by identifying key distinguishing factors.

Main Services

Rapid Prototyping

Advanced Analytics

Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Data Visualization


Zimmet Healthcare Services Group (ZHSG) is a comprehensive reimbursement, compliance and management support firm dedicated to delivering operational services to the post-acute care industry. Founded in 1993, ZHSG is a nationally recognized leader in reimbursement, compliance, outsourced management solutions, performance analytics and post-acute strategy. Reporting on post-acute spending is of common interest among skilled nursing facilities (SNFs), insurers and health systems. As insurers and health systems implement measures to reduce costs, SNFs are challenged to do the same to enhance their facility’s value-profile. Today, post-acute care reporting is limited to publicly reported Medicare claims data. ZHSG recognized an opportunity to improve. Leveraging its vast data store, ZHSG engaged HatchWorks to design and develop a new predictive analytics platform to augment and improve post-acute spending by way of patient demographics, conditions, services provided and the cost of treatment


HatchWorks met with ZHSG and conducted an initial discovery/requirements session. Focusing on ZHSG’s business needs, the post-acute care industry and its competitive landscape, HatchWorks helped ZHSG solidify its product strategy by identifying key distinguishing factors to drive competitive advantage. Furthermore, HatchWorks and ZHSG collaborated to design a recurring revenue model for this new product offering.

HatchWorks conducted deep dive discussions about the people, processes and technologies required to bring ZHSG’s product to market. Collectively, the team answered: Who would be using the system? What functions would the users need to perform? How could we build the system to support their behaviors? The team covered topics ranging from user personas to field level analysis of post-acute spending datasets, as well complex calculations required to provide key metrics and analytics within the new platform.

HatchWorks leveraged Rapid Prototyping to create a realistic depiction of new product that ZHSG used to validate and approve the requirements and design. This prototype provided the development team with a blueprint from which to build and empowered ZHSG’s sales team with a tool to advertise and sell the product prior to launch.


Secure and Scalable

The new ZHSG product collects, processes and stores key data from facilities, and reports key metrics to SNFs, corporations, insurers, and health systems enabling purchase access. The mobile-responsive solution includes an administrative portal, for ZHSG administrators to manage system access and benchmark data.

Unlike many product development firms, HatchWorks takes pride in being truly platform agnostic. Our technical architects assess each product in relation to its ecosystem of requirements and existing customer technology. HatchWorks customized ZHSG’s platform to enable long-term management, platform scalability and generate user profiles. Analytics are housed in a custom web portal built with Node.js and PHP, and leverages an underlying PostgreSQL database system. This portal permits product customers to download, email or view reports in their browser with ease and velocity. The mobile-first product meets its customers on their turf with a responsive design across every device regardless of screen size or resolution. The solution also integrates with Stripe for initial and recurring payment processing and all data is hosted in Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud with strict adherence to all HIPAA security and compliance regulations


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